Sunday, May 5, 2013

I've set up this new blog for my art work. I started painting less than 3 years ago after I had retired and moved to the Myrtle Beach area.  I work with a group of friends who come down for the winter but am really on my own for 9 months out of the year. People tell me to take workshops - expensive for one on a fixed income. So I read magazines, books and go on-line once in a while to get ideas.

I'm looking for my own voice and so I thought if I write about my challenges and frustrations daily I might get some insight. Feed back is what I need really. I can talk to myself until I'm blue in the face but I spin my own wheels.

Background: the last time I had picked up a paintbrush was when I was about five. I never figured into the artistic branch of the family although I did write sporadically throughout my life and even had a few poems published back in the seventies. So, after we had moved down here and met some folks who lived in our condo complex for the winter, one of our new friends announced that he would be willing to teach watercolor. I've been painting ever since. I think I've progressed but am still  trying to find my way.

1 comment:

  1. Iv'e heard the hardest part is the first step. So now that that is out of the way I look forward to both the brush strokes and the keystrokes. Bon Voyage.
